Story Crafting for Magazines

Story Crafting for Magazines

2 min.
Linda Paula

Throughout my personal and professional journey, I’ve been fortunate to meet many people with unique stories—or perhaps it’s my ability to see the uniqueness in others that draws these amazing stories out.

Magazine article by Linda Paulauska about Natrada Rienthong.
Magazine article by Linda Paulauska about Natrada Rienthong.

Over the years, I’ve immersed myself in the art of crafting human stories, interviewing extraordinary individuals, and sharing their deeply personal experiences.

These stories, often sensitive, are entrusted to me, and I take great care in matching them with the right platforms, ensuring they reach the audiences who will appreciate them most.

My interview articles have been featured in various media outlets, each chosen carefully to align with the story’s theme—whether it’s a family-oriented narrative in a parenting magazine or a piece on art or business in a more specialized publication. Consider me a storyteller and matchmaker, pairing narratives with the perfect platform.

By 2024, I will have written around 100 human stories. A lot or a little—that’s up to you to decide.

So, in short, you can find my interview articles published in different kinds of media, most often in print magazines.

It’s all about humanity, diversity, and the people who live around us—you, me, and everyone we encounter.

Have you ever encountered a story that shifted your perspective?

I invite you to explore these narratives with me—sometimes you can find them in magazines, but sometimes here on this blog.

If you have a story to share or simply want to connect, I’d love to hear from you.

Let’s continue the conversation and uncover the essence of people together!

When sharing on social media, please add #TheEssenceOfPeople.

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