Welcoming a Child with Down Syndrome through International Adoption: The Wimmer Family

Welcoming a Child with Down Syndrome through International Adoption: The Wimmer Family

5 min.
Linda Paula

The Wimmer family took a brave step to change a child’s life through international adoption. Kylie was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and placed in an orphanage right after birth. Remarkably, 127 families who were offered the chance to adopt her declined due to her diagnosis. The Wimmer family committed to the adoption even before meeting her. Here’s the story from Mom, Christine:

Family of nine

“We’re a family of 9 in the United States. I’m a stay-at-home mom with a degree in Psychology, while my husband, Kent, works as a marketing director. We enjoy activities like travel, boating, hiking, golfing, and photography, creating beautiful memories that strengthen our family bond.”

Down Syndrome: Brady’s Story


“Our youngest biological child, Brady, is the 6th of our 7 children. When Brady was born, we didn’t know much about Down syndrome, and his diagnosis came as a surprise. We observed some soft markers on his ultrasound, indicating a 1% possibility of Down syndrome. However, as the percentage appeared low, we decided not to pursue further invasive testing. However, after his birth, doctors suspected Down syndrome and conducted a genetic study to confirm the diagnosis.

Brady was healthy at birth and didn’t require any special care or time in the NICU. From birth to the age of 3, he received in-home therapies like occupational, physical, and speech therapy to support his development. After that, he attended school, participating in a combination of special education and regular education classes alongside his typical peers.”

Discovering Reece’s Rainbow:

“During our journey with Brady, I discovered an adoption ministry called Reece’s Rainbow that advocates for children with Down syndrome in orphanages worldwide. Many of these children are abandoned by their families due to the social stigma associated with disabilities. Their stories and circumstances broke my heart, and I began advocating for their adoption. Witnessing the transformation these children experienced after joining loving families was truly amazing. It made me realize that Down syndrome is not a burden but a blessing.”

Kylie’s Profile: A Special Connection

“Initially, we weren’t actively seeking to adopt, but one day, I stumbled upon Kylie’s profile.

Born in Latvia, a small European country, her life took an unexpected turn with the diagnosis of Down syndrome.

Confronted with unforeseen challenges, her birth family chose to relinquish their parental rights, leading Kylie to find a home in an orphanage right after birth.

It’s noteworthy that a total of 127 families were offered the opportunity to adopt Kylie, but they all declined due to her special needs.

The moment I uncovered Kylie’s story, it stayed with me. I couldn’t get my thoughts off her. I engaged in discussions with my husband and children. Collectively, we resolved to embark on the adoption journey, warmly welcoming Kylie into our family.”

Kylie’s Orphanage Experience

“Kylie’s early years in the orphanage were marked by challenges and limited care. Despite being in one of the best orphanages, the institutionalized environment still had a lasting impact on her. With a ratio of only two caregivers for 10-12 children, the attention and care provided were insufficient.

Kylie’s lack of exposure to basic knowledge, such as animal names, and everyday experiences like reading, highlighted the gaps in her early upbringing. Kylie joined our family shortly before her third birthday, and since then, she has grown and flourished, surpassing her initial weight of only 8.6 kg and a height of 76 cm.”

Kylie at the orphanage in Latvia
Kylie at the orphanage in Latvia

The Adoption Process: From Latvia to the United States

“We didn’t have Latvia as our initial adoption plan, but circumstances led us to Kylie, and she was located there. Our adoption journey began in November 2012 when Kylie was 2 years and 3 months old. After completing extensive paperwork, background checks, and a home study, we received photos of Kylie.

In June 2013, we traveled to Latvia and finally met Kylie. The adoption process was finalized in December 2013 after a 4-week bonding period and multiple court hearings.

The process was complex, requiring approvals from both U.S. and Latvian authorities, adhering to The Hague Convention for ethical adoptions.

The total cost, including travel expenses, amounted to approximately $43,000 USD.

We officially became a family, and we couldn’t have been happier.”

Family just arrived in the USA with Kylie, 2013
Family just arrived in the USA with Kylie, 2013

Kylie’s Settling In and Progress

“Once Kylie settled into our family in the United States, we focused on providing her with a nurturing and loving environment. We worked closely with therapists and educators to address her developmental needs. Over time, Kylie made significant progress. She learned to communicate and gradually started speaking. Her physical strength and coordination improved, and she became more independent in her daily activities.

Kylie’s first night in her new home with Brady, 2013
Kylie’s first night in her new home with Brady, 2013

Currently, Kylie attends school with typical peers. She loves various activities like playing outside, swimming, hiking, watching movies, taking dance classes, and modeling for businesses that sell children’s clothing and accessories.”

Kylie and Brady
Kylie and Brady

Kylie is a blessing

“Having both Brady and Kylie in our lives has taught us that individuals with Down syndrome have unique gifts and talents to offer the world. They are filled with love, joy, and a contagious zest for life. They have taught us to appreciate the beauty in small moments, to value kindness and compassion, and never to underestimate the potential of any individual.

Adoption is a lifelong commitment, and we continue to provide Kylie with the love, support, and resources she needs to thrive. We are grateful for the journey we have embarked upon, and we wouldn’t change it for anything. Every child deserves a loving home and a bright future.”

Kylie is a light and blessing to all those she comes in contact with, and we consider ourselves fortunate to be her family.

Kent, Brady, Christine, Kylie
Kent, Brady, Christine, Kylie

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