
Completing Family: The Strader Family's International Adoption Journey

Completing Family: The Strader Family's International Adoption Journey

A family opened their home to an orphan hosting program during Christmas holidays, welcoming two sisters from a Latvian orphanage, which led to international adoption.
A Special Moment: Holding Your Own Story in Print

A Special Moment: Holding Your Own Story in Print

Years ago, Arina lived a challenging orphan life. Her transformative journey from adoption to relocation was captured in a published story. Seven years later, we reunited, and she holds the magazine encapsulating her remarkable journey – a story that touched many hearts.
On cruise board serving others with the warmest smile while deeply missing family: Chelfin Saputra

On cruise board serving others with the warmest smile while deeply missing family: Chelfin Saputra

A dedicated young man from Indonesia works tirelessly aboard a cruise ship, serving travelers with the warmest smile despite deeply missing his newborn daughter and wife.
Five-Time Egg Donor: Helping Families During Infertility Treatment. Aleksandra Chernova

Five-Time Egg Donor: Helping Families During Infertility Treatment. Aleksandra Chernova

Aleksandra donated eggs bringing hope to anonymous infertility-struggling families. She navigated medical tests, hormone therapy, and oocyte punctures five times.
Amena Mohamed: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From Egypt to Latvia

Amena Mohamed: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From Egypt to Latvia

Amena Mohamed⁠ is from Egypt. She shares her amazing and sometimes challenging life journey from childhood to the present as a student in the Erasmus Mundus master’s degree program “Service Design Strategies and Innovations.”
International adoption: A Journey of Dreams Becoming Reality. Arina Cunningham

International adoption: A Journey of Dreams Becoming Reality. Arina Cunningham

While facing challenges in orphanages and foster care, Arina dreamt of a loving family. As she grew older, believing no one wanted to adopt a teenager, her dream faded. Suddenly, at 15, she met a loving family through international adoption and moved from Latvia to Texas, USA.
Yulu Liu: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From China to Latvia

Yulu Liu: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From China to Latvia

In this episode, we uncover the amazing journey of ⁠Yulu Liu⁠ from China. Passionate about service design, Yulu embarked on her Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in “⁠Service Design Strategies and Innovations.⁠”
Alopecia Doesn’t Kill the Person: Ieva Putnina’s Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment

Alopecia Doesn’t Kill the Person: Ieva Putnina’s Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment

Meet Ieva Putnina — diagnosed with Alopecia Areata at 12 years old. For years, she hid behind wigs and fear. But everything changed when she chose to embrace her true self.
Kiwoong Nam - Stories from the North with Linda Paulauska

Kiwoong Nam - Stories from the North with Linda Paulauska

Kiwoong Nam shares his inspiring move from South Korea to Rovaniemi - Finland’s Northern city, and his story of adjusting to Arctic life with his family.
Ginevra Papi's Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From Italy to Latvia

Ginevra Papi's Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From Italy to Latvia

In this podcast series, she shares her life from childhood until now. She is one of the students in the Erasmus Mundus master’s degree program “⁠Service Design Strategies and Innovations⁠,” which leads her to experience different countries and study in a very diverse class.