Completing Family: The Strader Family's International Adoption Journey
A family opened their home to an orphan hosting program during Christmas holidays, welcoming two sisters from a Latvian orphanage, which led to international adoption.
A Special Moment: Holding Your Own Story in Print
Years ago, Arina lived a challenging orphan life. Her transformative journey from adoption to relocation was captured in a published story. Seven years later, we reunited, and she holds the magazine encapsulating her remarkable journey – a story that touched many hearts.
On cruise board serving others with the warmest smile while deeply missing family: Chelfin Saputra
A dedicated young man from Indonesia works tirelessly aboard a cruise ship, serving travelers with the warmest smile despite deeply missing his newborn daughter and wife.
Five-Time Egg Donor: Helping Families During Infertility Treatment. Aleksandra Chernova
Aleksandra donated eggs bringing hope to anonymous infertility-struggling families. She navigated medical tests, hormone therapy, and oocyte punctures five times.
Amena Mohamed: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From Egypt to Latvia
Amena Mohamed is from Egypt. She shares her amazing and sometimes challenging life journey from childhood to the present as a student in the Erasmus Mundus master’s degree program “Service Design Strategies and Innovations.”
International adoption: A Journey of Dreams Becoming Reality. Arina Cunningham
While facing challenges in orphanages and foster care, Arina dreamt of a loving family. As she grew older, believing no one wanted to adopt a teenager, her dream faded. Suddenly, at 15, she met a loving family through international adoption and moved from Latvia to Texas, USA.
Yulu Liu: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From China to Latvia
In this episode, we uncover the amazing journey of Yulu Liu from China. Passionate about service design, Yulu embarked on her Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in “Service Design Strategies and Innovations.”
Alopecia Doesn’t Kill the Person: Ieva Putnina’s Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment
Meet Ieva Putnina — diagnosed with Alopecia Areata at 12 years old. For years, she hid behind wigs and fear. But everything changed when she chose to embrace her true self.
Kiwoong Nam - Stories from the North with Linda Paulauska
Kiwoong Nam shares his inspiring move from South Korea to Rovaniemi - Finland’s Northern city, and his story of adjusting to Arctic life with his family.
Ginevra Papi's Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From Italy to Latvia
In this podcast series, she shares her life from childhood until now. She is one of the students in the Erasmus Mundus master’s degree program “Service Design Strategies and Innovations,” which leads her to experience different countries and study in a very diverse class.