Experience stories

Advocating for Human-Centric Solutions

Advocating for Human-Centric Solutions

Giving lectures on creating human-centric solutions—providing frameworks and methods to ensure teams design meaningful projects that truly serve people and foster positive change.
Young Artist's Paintings Purchased Across the World: Marat's Dzjubenko

Young Artist's Paintings Purchased Across the World: Marat's Dzjubenko

Marats Dzjubenko began painting at just 2 years old. By his early teens, his artwork was exhibited and purchased worldwide, marking him as a rising star in the art world.
International adoption: A Journey of Dreams Becoming Reality. Arina Cunningham

International adoption: A Journey of Dreams Becoming Reality. Arina Cunningham

While facing challenges in orphanages and foster care, Arina dreamt of a loving family. As she grew older, believing no one wanted to adopt a teenager, her dream faded. Suddenly, at 15, she met a loving family through international adoption and moved from Latvia to Texas, USA.
The Synergy Between Service Design and Human Stories

The Synergy Between Service Design and Human Stories

Guided by a deep passion for understanding people, the natural progression led me into the world of Service Design—an ideal alliance that seamlessly integrates empathy with innovative solutions.
Kiwoong Nam - Stories from the North with Linda Paulauska

Kiwoong Nam - Stories from the North with Linda Paulauska

Kiwoong Nam shares his inspiring move from South Korea to Rovaniemi - Finland’s Northern city, and his story of adjusting to Arctic life with his family.
Yulu Liu: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From China to Latvia

Yulu Liu: Erasmus Mundus Journey to Study Service Design - From China to Latvia

In this episode, we uncover the amazing journey of ⁠Yulu Liu⁠ from China. Passionate about service design, Yulu embarked on her Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in “⁠Service Design Strategies and Innovations.⁠”
A Special Moment: Holding Your Own Story in Print

A Special Moment: Holding Your Own Story in Print

Years ago, Arina lived a challenging orphan life. Her transformative journey from adoption to relocation was captured in a published story. Seven years later, we reunited, and she holds the magazine encapsulating her remarkable journey – a story that touched many hearts.
Surrogacy experience: The surrogate mother's perspective. Nicole Eddy

Surrogacy experience: The surrogate mother's perspective. Nicole Eddy

Nicole added a new chapter to her life story as a surrogate mother by fulfilling another family’s dream of having a baby.
Welcoming a Child with Down Syndrome through International Adoption: The Wimmer Family

Welcoming a Child with Down Syndrome through International Adoption: The Wimmer Family

An orphaned girl with Down Syndrome was offered for adoption to 127 families, all of whom declined. The girl’s story deeply touched the Wimmer family, leading them to embark on international adoption before even seeing a photo of the child.
Building Bridges and Great Friendships

Building Bridges and Great Friendships

My passion for bringing people together and fostering cultural exchange led to launching the ‘Local Buddies’ program, connecting Erasmus Mundus students with local residents.