A Glimpse into My World

A Glimpse into My World

2 min.
Linda Paula

While my usual focus is on telling the stories of others, this time I’m offering you a glimpse into my own world. Here are some facets of my personality that shape the lens through which I view and experience life:

👉 People-Person: I thrive on connections with inspiring individuals.

👉 Educational Background: Armed with a Bachelor’s in social education and psychology, I delved into the intricacies of human behavior. Later, I proudly earned a Master’s in management and leadership, equipping me with skills for navigating diverse professional landscapes.

👉 Human Experience: Currently pursuing an international Master’s in Service Design, dedicated to to master the knowledge of shaping services that meet customer needs. As a full-time on-site student, I’m part of a diverse group of peers representing over 20 countries - China, India, Thailand, USA, Venezuela, Peru, Egypt, Kosovo, Mexico, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Vietnam, Nigeria, Finland, Portugal, Ireland, Estonia, Romania, Pakistan, Hungary… Quite a diverse company that adds an additional level of benefits to these studies.

👉 A Fan of Life Stories: I’ve written plenty of life stories published in various media outlets. It’s truly challenging to adequately express my gratitude for the people who entrust me with their most sensitive experiences.

👉 Publishing my life: I serve as a writer of monthly in-depth featured articles for a Latvian magazine. Readers have been able to follow a series of my life - ups, downs, and thoughts.

👉 Location: I’m currently based in vibrant Northern Europe.

👉 Global Explorer: Explored 20 countries with the goal of understanding diverse cultures and people.

👉 Guest: Lived with 4 international host families for periods ranging from two weeks to one year, embracing and learning their unique ways of doing and understanding things.

👉 Aesthetic Preferences: I feel happy in clean, organized, and bright spaces.

👉 Approach to Suggestions: While I appreciate collaboration, I’m not a fan of pushy suggestions.

👉 Guiding Motto: “Gratitude all the way!” is my guiding motto.

👉 Values: appreciate empathy, precision, and a commitment to getting things done.

I hope this glimpse into my world provides you with a better understanding of the storyteller behind the stories.

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